Michelle Musick Jones Blog

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Homeowners Insurance

Buying homeowners insurance for the first time can be intimidating. Gaining a better understanding of it here.
Posted by Natalie Arnold on November 18, 2019 in  uncategorized
The following is a guest post from Paul Martin While buying your first home is exciting, buying your first homeowners insurance policy isn’t nearly as much fun. New homeowners have all kinds of questions about what homeowners insurance covers and what it doesn’t, and understandably so. When shopping around for a policy to protect the biggest financial investment of your life, you want to feel confident that you’ll walk away with enough coverage. Fortunately, with just a bit of a debriefing on home... Readmore

Tax Breaks for First Time Home Buyers

What exactly is tax deductible when buying a house for the first time?
Posted by Natalie Arnold on April 16, 2018 in  uncategorized
Buying a home can sound like an intimidating undertaking if you’ve never done it before. The thought of relocating and the sheer level of financial investment gives many people anxiety. Luckily, the government wants to make the process easier and less scary, with a range of tax breaks for first time home buyers. To get the most out of your purchase, don’t settle for the standard deductions and write-offs. Instead, make sure you take advantage of the many tax breaks available to you. So, what exact... Readmore